One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked.

September of Keith Law Firm is undoubtedly a bumper harvest month, which frequently appears on the list of cross-border e-commerce infringement. On September 21st alone, six cases were filed in succession, involving five brands, two of which were the first cases. Xiaobian has shown it to you in the tweet on September 22nd. Interested friends can move to check.

Date of prosecution, case number, brand of law firm

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13963 Copyright Painting by Keith Eva Gamaiun

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13968 Copyright Painting by Keith Eva Gamaiun

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13977 Copyright painting by Keith Jeremiah David Morelli

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13995 Keith Donice Bloodworth, Jr. Copyright

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13993 Keith Frisbee Frisbee Frisbee

2023/9/21 2023-CV-13996 Copyright painting by Keith Lucie Bilodeau

And friends who are interested in the other three brands Frisbee Frisbee and LUCIE BILODEAU copyright paintings can directly jump to the link to view:

TRO has been distributed, and funds have been frozen! Keith Law Firm represents Frisbee trademark rights protection!

Use pictures carefully! LUCIE BILODEAU’s copyright painting is represented by Keith, the plaintiff’s law firm, and has filed a temporary injunction against TRO!

Donice Bloodworth, Jr. has a wide fan base on social media. He uses “DaCre8iveOne” as the social platform name and has more than 50,000 fans on Instagram. Many of his works have been printed on various posters, costumes and mugs for sale, further expanding his popularity and influence.

Donice Bloodworth, Jr.’ s creative art style is unique, and his works include praising people’s true colors and their beauty. His most famous series is “Naturally Series”, which shows people’s natural and true side. He has published a series of works focusing on the beauty of black women. All the black women in the paintings have curly black hair and deliberately hide their faces, so that people can “see themselves in the paintings”. One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: September 21, 2023

Case number: 2023-cv-13995

Brand name: Donice Bloodworth, Jr

Law firm: Keith

The latest development of the case:

One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked.

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Date of prosecution, case number, brand of law firm

2023/9/21 2023-cv-13995 Keith Donice Bloodworth, Jr.

2022/11/9 2022-cv-6261 Keith Donice Bloodworth, Jr.

Brand profile:

Donice Bloodworth, Jr. is a well-respected artist and illustrator. His works have unique styles and profound themes. Through social media and business cooperation, his creative art has been widely spread and promoted. His achievements not only inspired other artists, but also showed people the importance of natural beauty and inner beauty he advocated.

Trademark copyright information:

One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked. One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked. One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked.

Examples of infringing products:

One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked. One year later, the copyright of Donice Bloodworth, Jr, the agent of Keith Law Firm, made a comeback, and cross-border sellers quickly checked.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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