TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.

Gearbox Software, a game development company born in 1999, is located in Plenot, Texas, USA. In 2005, Gearbox Software launched their first intellectual property game series Brothers in Arms. This game has won wide acclaim from players with its unique plot and real combat experience. In 2009, Gearbox Software launched another game with independent intellectual property rights, Borderlands. This game has won the favor of many players with its unique artistic style and excellent game system. At the same time, the success of this game has also made Gearbox Software familiar to many domestic players. In addition to these two masterpieces, Gearbox Software also owns the copyrights of many classic game series, such as Duke Nukem and Homeworld.

This time, Gearbox Software is protecting copyright. Xiaobian appeals to sellers and friends to stay away from infringement, quickly check whether the product involves the periphery of the game, and take it off the shelf and withdraw it in time to avoid financial damage. TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.

Basic information of the case:

Prosecution time: August 1, 2023

Case numbers: 23-cv-05051 and 23-cv-05024.

Brand: gearbox’s game

Law firm: Agdglaw

The latest development of the case:

TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.   

(Source: WeChat official account “Mai Jia Support” case self-service inquiry system

Tips: Forward the above picture to a friend on WeChat, open the picture and long press it to translate it into Chinese.

Summary of cases in recent two years:

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2023/8/1 23-cv-05051 Agdglaw GEARBOX SOFTWARE

2023/8/1 23-cv-05024 Agdglaw GEARBOX SOFTWARE

2022/4/18 22-cv-02009 Am Sullivan GEARBOX SOFTWARE

Brand profile:

Gearbox Software was founded by a veteran of the game industry and led by its founding developer, and has become one of the most respected and recognized independent video game manufacturers in the world. He is good at developing FPS games and has developed many half-life games. In 2010, the company officially acquired the work “Duke of Eternal Destruction” (King of Jumping Tickets) of the closed game producer GDO, and became the savior of this work. This also shows the strength and determination of Gearbox Software in the field of game development.

Trademark copyright information:

TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.

TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas. TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.

Examples of infringing products:

TRO has been applied! The copyright protection of many games owned by Gearbox involves the quick removal of the surrounding areas.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
WhatApp:+86 156 8077 8360
WeChat search follows the public platform "麦家支持":

● Input the US case number to real-time query the case filing time/latest progress
● Check if the case is in default judgment (important)
● Investigate the settlement/response/withdrawal of other defendants and sellers in the case in the United States

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