The seller’s account funds are frozen one after another! GBC represented RAMONES The Ramones in trademark rights protection.

Ramones is a famous American band, and they are one of the founders of triad theory in punk rock music. The band was founded in 1974 and dissolved in 1996. It has been a musical journey for 22 years. Ramones is the oldest and longest-lived punk rock band in history, which has played an important role in promoting the development of world rock music and other rock bands.

Basic information of the case

Time of prosecution: June 20, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-3879


Law firm: GBC

The latest development of the case

The seller's account funds are frozen one after another! GBC represented RAMONES The Ramones in trademark rights protection.

Brand information

Ramones is one of the earliest punk rock groups to enter the music industry, which is also one of their most admirable characteristics. They are famous for their simple, primitive and high-speed music styles. Their songs are usually short and compact, which directly express their criticism and dissatisfaction with social reality. Ramones paved the way for punk rock through their music, and had a profound influence on later music styles and bands.

Ramones are unique in both music and culture, and their contributions will always be remembered. Their music not only inspired the passion of countless fans, but also left an indelible mark in the history of rock music.

Trademark copyright information

The seller's account funds are frozen one after another! GBC represented RAMONES The Ramones in trademark rights protection.

Examples of infringement

The seller's account funds are frozen one after another! GBC represented RAMONES The Ramones in trademark rights protection.

Add legal assistant WeChat: maijiazhichi (can be pulled into TRO infringement settlement litigation -10000 person WeChat group)
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