PAW Patrol is a TV animation produced by American Nick Company and directed by Jamie Whitney. It premiered in Nickelodeon on August 12th, 2013. The animation is also popular in Chinese mainland, and broadcast on CCTV-14, Golden Eagle Cartoon, iQiyi and other platforms. The story tells the story of a 10-year-old boy named Ryder. He is enthusiastic and proficient in science and technology. With the help of the dog patrol under his leadership, he jointly protects a coastal city named Adventure Bay.
Basic information of the case
Time of prosecution: May 5, 2023
Case number: 23-cv-2861
Brand: Spin Master Ltd. et al
Law firm: GBC
Summary of cases in recent two years
Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm
2023/5/3 23-cv-2781 GBC Wang Wang Team made great contributions Paw Patrol.
2023/5/2 23-cv-2758 GBC Wang Wang Team made great contributions Paw Patrol
2023/3/10/23-CV-1506GBC Wang Wang Team made great contributions Paw Patrol.
The latest development of the case
Brand information
Paw Patrol is a series of action adventure cartoons produced by Nick Children’s Channel in the United States, which tells the story of Ryder, a 10-year-old boy who is proficient in science and technology, after saving six puppies, he trained them into a patrol with high skills. With its lovely characters and interesting storyline, this cartoon has won the love of many children all over the world, and also made many parents willing to pay for its related products.
As far as trademarks and copyrights are concerned, except “Paw Patrol” as the main American trademark, all the character names in the animation have also been registered as trademarks. This means that even if you don’t use the brand name “Paw Patrol”, you can’t have any related role names in lists, pictures and product descriptions.
Trademark copyright information
Examples of infringement
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