Law firms have set foot in the art circle? Another copyright painting case! Sriplaw represented RAINBOW MOON in copyright painting rights protection.

In addition to Keith Law Firm’s frequent representation of copyright paintings, Keener Law Firm also represented Albert Koetsier’s copyright paintings, and recently sued three infringement cases involving thousands of sellers. Sriplaw Law Firm also follows the footsteps of art, representing RAINBOW MOON’s copyright painting.

The plaintiff Joshua Eugene Dail was born and raised in San Diego, California, and is a self-taught digital artist. With many years of digital experience, his works are very popular and common in home decoration, painting and various art walls.

Basic information of the case

Time of prosecution: April 5, 2023

Case number: 23-cv-21298


Law firm: Sriplaw

Summary of cases in recent two years

Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side

2023/4/5 23-CV-21298 Copyright painting JOSHUA EUGENE DAIL of Sriplaw Rainbow Moon

The latest development of the case

Law firms have set foot in the art circle? Another copyright painting case! Sriplaw represented RAINBOW MOON in copyright painting rights protection.

Brand information

Joshua Eugene Dail was born in San Diego, California. He is a self-taught digital artist with rich painting experience. His illustrations are mainly romantic and dreamy, with bold, bright and harmonious colors, and the colorful colors that blend with each other give his works healing power. Dail’s works always bring people a warm and pleasant feeling.

Trademark copyright information

Law firms have set foot in the art circle? Another copyright painting case! Sriplaw represented RAINBOW MOON in copyright painting rights protection.

Examples of infringement

Law firms have set foot in the art circle? Another copyright painting case! Sriplaw represented RAINBOW MOON in copyright painting rights protection.

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