Paw Patrol (English name: Paw patrol) is a series of action adventure cartoons launched by Nick Children’s Channel in the United States. The film tells the story of Ryder, a 10-year-old boy, who rescues six puppies and trains them into a highly skilled dog patrol. This cartoon has gained a large number of children’s fans around the world with its cute characters and interesting storyline, and also attracted many parents to buy related products for their children. “Wang Wang Team Makes Great Achievements” not only makes children grow up happily, but also conveys positive values such as courage, cooperation and friendship.
Basic information of the case
Time of prosecution: February 16, 2023
Case number: 23-cv-997 Brand name: Spin Master Ltd. et al.
Law firm: GBC
Summary of cases in recent two years
Prosecution time, case number, brand of law firm, brand side
2022/5/23 22-cv-2722 GBC Wangwang Team made great contributions. Paw Patrol Spin Master Ltd. et al
2022/3/14 22-cv-1326 GBC Wang Wang Team made great contributions. Paw Patrol Spin Master Ltd. et al.
2022/3/10 22-cv-1278 GBC Wangwang Team made great contributions. Paw Patrol Spin Master Ltd. et al.
The latest development of the case
Brand information
PAW Patrol is an action adventure series animated film featuring 10-year-old Ryder and his puppy friends. The story takes place in Adventure Bay. They solve all kinds of troubles with wisdom, courage and teamwork spirit. The cartoon was first broadcast on Nick Children’s Channel in the United States on August 12th, 2013, and related products such as toys and books with the same name were launched. Following “Wang Wang Team Makes Great Achievements”, children will have the opportunity to explore with the puppies and feel the growth and success after resistance. Trademark copyright information
Examples of infringement
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