GBC represents the Spanish fashion brand Loewe Luo Yiwei to defend rights! The temporary restraining order TRO has been signed, and the relevant sellers are quickly removed!

* Assemble the seller of this case, please forward this page *

On October 12, 2022, the court signed a temporary restraining order filed by the plaintiff’s lawyer Loewe Luo Yiwei, and the seller paid attention. Loewe, a famous Spanish fashion shop, was founded by Enrique Loewe Roessberg in 1846. Loewe adheres to a consistently high level of production technology, and its main products are: leather goods, clothing, perfume, glasses, etc. The type of prosecution in this case is still trademark infringement, so please remove the relevant sellers as soon as possible!

Historical occurrence of cases

Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand

2021/6/11 21-cv-3152 GBC Loewe Luo Yiwei

2020/12/4 20-cv-7185 GBC Loewe Luo Yiwei

Basic information of the case

CaseNo.: 22-cv-5519

Time of filing the case: October 7, 2022

Brand: LOEWE S.A

Plaintiff brand: Loewe Luo Yiwei

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC

brand introduction

Loewe, a famous Spanish fashion shop, was founded by Enrique Loewe Roessberg in 1846. Loewe adheres to a consistently high level of production technology, and its main products are: leather goods, clothing, perfume, glasses and so on.

The history of Loewe brand has fully spanned two centuries. Since the 19th century, Loewe has become the leading brand in Spain. Its famous leather products and timely decorations, exquisite workmanship and strong romantic and quaint Mediterranean cultural color, have won the recognition of the world.

Commodity copyright information

GBC represents the Spanish fashion brand Loewe Luo Yiwei to defend rights! The temporary restraining order TRO has been signed, and the relevant sellers are quickly removed!

Examples of infringing products

GBC represents the Spanish fashion brand Loewe Luo Yiwei to defend rights! The temporary restraining order TRO has been signed, and the relevant sellers are quickly removed!

The latest development of the case

GBC represents the Spanish fashion brand Loewe Luo Yiwei to defend rights! The temporary restraining order TRO has been signed, and the relevant sellers are quickly removed!

(The above picture comes from: “Mai Jia Support” WeChat official account-Case System)

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