The fairy unicorn created by Anne Stokes, a famous British illustrator, is one of his representative works. Anne Stokes’ works belong to the European Gothic style with a bias towards magic, and the contents of the works contain magic elements such as dragons, elves, unicorns, crosses and skulls. The brand of the copyright of this illustration work is Art Ask Agency. The case was filed in mid-August, and related products are still being removed from the shelves. Pay attention to the seller!
Basic information of the case
Case number: 22-cv-4286
Time of filing: August 15, 2022
Brand: Art Ask Agency
Plaintiff brand: Anne Stokes, elf unicorn.
Plaintiff’s law firm: HSP
brand introduction
Unicorn is a fictional creature in myths and legends. The Elf Unicorn is one of the representative works of Anne Stokes, a famous British illustrator. Anne Stokes’ works belong to the European Gothic style which is biased towards magic. The contents of the works include magic elements such as dragons, elves, unicorns, crosses and skulls. The brand of the copyright of this illustration work is Art Ask Agency.
The unicorn in current western mythology is shaped like a white horse with a spiral angle on its forehead, representing nobility, pride and purity. Some stories are described as having wings, and even unicorns are described as black.
Unicorn is an animal with a single horn in the middle of its head in ancient myths and legends. According to western legends, the horns of unicorns have detoxification function, and many people take the opportunity to sell them ” Unicorn ” The horn of the powder. In ancient legends of China, Shu (Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing) is a kind of oriental unicorn.
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Trademark copyright picture
The related pictures are protected by copyright. Please don’t use the pictures on official website at will, otherwise there will be the risk of infringement.
Examples of cross-border infringing products
The latest development of the case
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