Gospel Warrior in the New Century is an animated work jointly produced by Dragon Son Studio and GAINAX, which is called EVA for short. The film premiered in Japan from October 4, 1995 to March 27, 1996, with 26 episodes. The brand was filed by Keith Law Firm, and the frequency of cases was high. In 2022, in less than half a year, the number of cases was more than ten. According to the relevant information of the latest case, the brand has applied for TRO freezing, and the specific information of the case progress is as follows.
Historical occurrence of cases
Prosecution time, case number, law firm brand
2022/3/15 22-CV-1361 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelion, a evangelist in the new century
2022/2/22 22-CV-938 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/2/15 22-CV-817 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelion, a New Century Evangelist
2022/2/14 22-CV-794 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/2/14 22-CV-783 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/2/9/22-CV-715 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelion, a evangelist in the new century
2022/2/8 22-CV-679 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/2/2 22-CV-591 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/2/1 22-CV-574 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/27 22-CV-472 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/11 22-CV-171 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/11 22-CV-165 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/6 22-CV-92 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/5 22-CV-56 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
2022/1/3 22-CV-10 Keith Neon Genesis Evangelization New Century Gospel Warrior
Basic information of the case
Time of filing the case: May 9, 2022
Case number: 22-cv-2424
Plaintiff’s law firm: Keith
Plaintiff’s brand: NEON GENESIS EVANGELION New Century Gospel Warrior
brand introduction
Evangelist Warrior in the New Century (EVA for short), whose full name is ェヴァンゲリォン (English), is generally translated as Neon Genesis Evangelion (at the beginning of its introduction to the mainland, it was named as “.
Gospel Warrior in the New Century is an animated work jointly produced by Dragon Son Studio and GAINAX, which is called EVA for short. The film premiered in Japan from October 4, 1995 to March 27, 1996, with 26 episodes. Hideaki Anno is the main screenwriter and director, Sadamoto Yoshiyuki is the role designer, and Megumi Ogata, Lin Yuanhui, Yuko Miyamura, Mitsuishi Kotono and others are the main voices.
The revolutionary strong stream-of-consciousness technique and the application of a large number of religious and philosophical images in this film are called ” Social phenomenon ” The degree of great echo and impact has become a milestone in the history of Japanese animation and is recognized as one of the greatest animations in Japanese history.
EVA organism is a universal decisive weapon made to eliminate the mysterious life called apostle. Humans copied the ” Adam or Lilith; The origin of life ” The huge life body made is covered with armor plates and restraint locks and made into a humanoid. Facing the apostles who use the A.T. force field, they are the only means to protect mankind.
NEON: brand new (from Greek: neos). GENESIS: origin, occurrence, creation, as a proper noun refers to the first chapter of the Bible ” Genesis ” . EVANGELION(エヴァンゲリオン): a universal artificial weapon for decisive battle, which is a transliteration of the Greek word ε νννννιι (gospel) (according to the old standard), but not in English. Gospel ” For Evangel or Gospel, at first, the word Evangelion means ” Messenger who delivers good news ” , prefix ” ev-“ Meaning ” Good ” ,” Angelion” Meaning ” Messenger ” (from Angel), as time goes by, it becomes only ” Good news ” At the same time, the abbreviation Eva is the name of the biblical character Eve in German and other languages.
Examples of cross-border infringing products
Trademark copyright information
TRO treatment
Case progress
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