GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check!

In the peak season of infringement cases, not long ago, GBC Law Firm represented a new brand, which won the American appearance patent as early as 2019, and once became the first in the Amazon salon list. This new brand is Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin. The main infringement minefield of the case is the product appearance. Since the product has obtained the American appearance patent, the seller can’t follow suit and sell it at will. Xiaobian reminds the seller who sells related products to check it quickly. If it is inappropriate or extremely similar, it should be removed immediately to avoid unnecessary risks in time!

Basic information of the case

Time of filing the case: March 16, 2022

CaseNo.: 22-cv-1371

Plaintiff’s law firm: GBC

Plaintiff brand: Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin.

Brand: Chrome Cherry Limited

brand introduction

Chrome Cherry (portable inflatable rinse basin) is a product that can be used for washing hair and cutting hair in bed at home. Because of its considerate design, it is very popular with consumers. As early as 2019, the company’s brand obtained the American trademark and appearance patent with the patent number of D858,876.

With its novel and considerate design and convenient use, Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin once ranked first in the list of Amazon salons and toiletries. According to many buyers’ descriptions of this product, using this product has many advantages: convenient to carry and flexible to use. Whether washing at home or traveling, it is a favorite product. Compared with the existing salon shampoo basin, Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin is undoubtedly the best choice.

Examples of cross-border infringing products

GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check!


Trademark copyright information

GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check! GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check! GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check!


Case progress

GBC agent Amazon Salon ranked first! The brand is actually Chrome Cherry portable inflatable rinse basin! Quick check!


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