THOITS LAW Law Firm filed a case on behalf of Florida State University (case number: 21-cv-10631), and TRO has come into effect, so hurry to check it off the shelf!

Trademark is an important property of a company or enterprise, an important symbol to distinguish it from other commodities, and one of the most important ways for users to identify it. Similarly, trademark is an important intangible asset owned by colleges and universities in order to embody its characteristics and better develop into a brand. In order to avoid consumers’ confusion and misunderstanding about the source of goods and services due to infringing products, which has a bad impact on its reputation, trademark registration is one of the methods for legal protection of intangible assets in colleges and universities. Recently, according to official website, the American court, Florida State University Florida State University (FSU) has filed a lawsuit in order to curb infringement and protect its rights and interests. Although the case was just filed on December 13th, the temporary injunction came into effect on the 14th.

Basic information of the case:

Time of filing the case: December 13, 2021

Case number: 21-cv-10631

Plaintiff’s brand: Florida State University Florida State University

Brand: Florida State University and the Florida State University Board of Trustees.

Law firm: THOITS LAW

Brand introduction:

Florida State University (FSU), founded in 1851, is a public research university located in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, USA/Image-2//Image-3//Image-4/Examples of cross-border infringing products:

THOITS LAW Law Firm filed a case on behalf of Florida State University (case number: 21-cv-10631), and TRO has come into effect, so hurry to check it off the shelf! THOITS LAW Law Firm filed a case on behalf of Florida State University (case number: 21-cv-10631), and TRO has come into effect, so hurry to check it off the shelf! THOITS LAW Law Firm filed a case on behalf of Florida State University (case number: 21-cv-10631), and TRO has come into effect, so hurry to check it off the shelf! Current case progress:

THOITS LAW Law Firm filed a case on behalf of Florida State University (case number: 21-cv-10631), and TRO has come into effect, so hurry to check it off the shelf! That’s all for today. Thank you for reading. Maijia Support continues to bring you the latest infringement news. More exciting content can be found on the WeChat public platform-“Maijia Support” to instantly check the latest trend of your US case, whether there is a default judgment and the counterclaims of other sellers [real-time synchronization of US judicial case system data]. If a seller with frozen funds needs legal assistance in litigation and settlement, you can contact us through WeChat below, and we will provide you with the best legal consulting service.

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