Cross-border infringement warning-Amazon selling sucker massage balls is not easy!

Product introduction

Sucker massage ball is an innovative muscle massage tool, which adopts natural sucker technology and can provide 100% natural solution for muscle pain. This product can help users bid farewell to traditional drugs and chemotherapy methods and relieve muscle pain in a safe and natural way. The sucker massage ball uses the adsorption force of the sucker and the weight of the user to massage the tense muscles effectively. It can not only help users to relieve muscle pain, but also improve blood circulation, promote faster recovery, naturally relieve pain, promote sleep and relieve headaches. Users can install it on the wall at home and massage it at any time. Its portable design allows users to use it at any time and anywhere, and easily cope with muscle pain.

Product features

Multifunctional massage: The sucker massage ball can not only help users to relieve muscle pain, but also improve blood circulation, promote faster recovery, naturally relieve pain, promote sleep and relieve headaches. Its design can take care of the user’s physical needs in all directions;

Industrial strength suction technology: The sucker massage ball adopts industrial strength suction technology, which can support up to 100 pounds of pressure and ensure the safety and confidence of users during use. This technology can ensure that the sucker works stably on various surfaces and provide a continuous and stable massage effect;

Smooth sliding in 360 degrees: The sucker massage ball has the characteristic of smooth sliding in 360 degrees, which enables it to move in any direction, thus better adapting to various curves and shapes of the body. This design can better relieve specific nervous muscles, not just fixed points;

Suitable for all kinds of body parts: the design of sucker massage ball makes it suitable for all parts of the body, whether it is back, legs or arms. This flexibility enables it to adapt to different muscle pain situations and meet the diverse needs of users.

Product usage diagram

Cross-border infringement warning-Amazon selling sucker massage balls is not easy!

product patent

After searching, Xiaobian found that this product is currently registered with American and Canadian invention patents.

The patent numbers are: US10890207B2/CA3010189C respectively.

The invention patent details are shown in the following figure:

Cross-border infringement warning-Amazon selling sucker massage balls is not easy!

The attachment to the suction cup module includes a lever mounted to the suction cup module. Both sides of the lever have a latch lever, and the top of the lever has a raised shoulder. The accessory has a pair of inclined locking blocks for engaging with the locking lever and a square edge boss for engaging with the shoulder. The spring pushes the lever away from the suction cup module, and the lever has overrun in its displacement. The displacement of the spring remains constant. The lever can be selectively moved along the protruding part, so that the latch rod engages with the inclined latch block and the raised shoulder engages with the square edge boss. The last engagement (raised shoulder and square edge boss) prevents excessive movement in the connection direction and pushes the accessory to the release direction.

Product official website

Official website Link:

Xiaobian summary

This product belongs to Vertiball brand. At present, American and Canadian invention patents have been registered, so we should pay attention to the risk of patent infringement complaints.

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上一篇 2023年12月21日 下午12:07
下一篇 2023年12月21日 下午12:07
