Amazon takes over Hollywood- rights case! The link was published up to30,000!

As we all know, Hollywood’s fame once exploded all over the world, and even today, Hollywood is still a big movie producer in the hearts of the public. But just recently, Hollywood vigorously defended its rights and entrusted Amazon to publish up to 30 thousand links for itself. Many sellers have also said that they have received the notice of TRO temporary freezing order from Hollywood film production company in the United States.

This case was actually a hidden case in AMS law firm in September, and according to relevant personnel, the law firm representing this case was still unknown to the brand at that time, until the freezing stage, the basic information of the case finally showed:

Amazon takes over Hollywood- rights case! The link was published up to30,000! Plaintiff’s brand: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

Case number: 21-cv-5172

Time of filing the case: September 30, 2021

Law firm: AM Sullivan Law, LLC.

Hollywood was originally a place, and it is also called “Hollywood”. It is located in the northwest of Los Angeles, California, on the west coast of the United States. It is a beautiful country with mountains and rivers.

Later, with the popularity of Hollywood film companies, the word “Hollywood” was directly used to represent the American film industry. Not only that, because many famous American film companies gathered here, people gradually habitually associated American movies with movie stars.

In fact, Hollywood is not only the birthplace of global fashion, but also a world-famous film center. The annual Academy Awards ceremony is the most familiar to everyone, and its venue is Hollywood, the center of the world film event.

Amazon takes over Hollywood- rights case! The link was published up to30,000! In addition, Hollywood is also the center of the global music and film industry. Music and fashion are mutually restrained and developed, creating the world’s top luxury brands and entertainment industries, such as DreamWorks, Twentieth Century Fox Film Company, Paramount Film Company, Columbia Pictures Company, Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, Sony Pictures Entertainment Company, Universal Film Company and so on. Top record companies like RCAJIVE Interscope Records are also embraced by Hollywood. Together, these industries represent and lead the highest level of American fashion, creating cultural heritage and scientific and technological support for the development of American fashion, which is one of the main reasons for imitation around the world.

Hollywood is generally more likely to be crowned with infringement:

First, registered trademarks. Easier to use and common is word mark Hollywood. Moreover, the trademark also involves many categories.

The second is the logo. Everyone should learn more about Hollywood logo and classic patterns, so as not to be accidentally infringed by the defendant.

Amazon takes over Hollywood- rights case! The link was published up to30,000! At present, the three major Hollywood film companies have been sued for indirect and joint infringement, which also means that some companies have raised the banner of opposing infringement actions in the industry.

Moreover, only Amazon has taken over countless cases about Hollywood rights protection, and the link of keyword search has reached 30 thousand! It is conceivable that Hollywood’s dimension power should not be underestimated. I hope you sellers will pay more attention!

That’s all the information compiled by Maijia Support. If you still want to know more relevant information, we will continue to update it for you. Unfortunately, the sellers who have been recruited can also send a private message to Maijia Support or contact us through the following WeChat. We will also provide you with the best countermeasures and consulting services for free. Xiaobian here wishes everyone a smooth work!

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