Crazy! GBC, a well-known law firm, represented the cartoon character Snoopy in three cases of infringement and freezing!

Recently, the famous law firm GBC represented the Snoopy case, and their work efficiency was quite shocking. Three infringement cases were filed in a row, all of which were about the rights protection cases involving Snoopy’s cartoon image infringement. Case-related parameters CaseNo.: 20-cv-7268, 7269, 7287 Sue brand: PEANUTS WORLDWIDE LLC agency: GBC law firm Rights protection type: trademarks and characters are copyrighted on major cross-border e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and AliExpress, and Snoopy’s cartoon image is applied to various commodities. On the major e-commerce platforms, a search for “Snooy” will lead to many related products, including clothes printed with Snoopy image, handbags, toys, watches, small ornaments and so on. Here are some screenshots of products of Amazon, AliExpress and eBay.

Crazy! GBC, a well-known law firm, represented the cartoon character Snoopy in three cases of infringement and freezing! Not only does the use of this cartoon image on the product involve infringement, but as long as the relevant word “Snoopy” appears on the terms and topics describing the goods, it is regarded as infringement.

Crazy! GBC, a well-known law firm, represented the cartoon character Snoopy in three cases of infringement and freezing!GBS Law Firm accepted three cases at the same time after representing this case. On the one hand, it showed their determination in safeguarding rights; on the other hand, it just showed that this cartoon image was infringed by a large number of merchants, and the number of merchants involved in infringement was huge. GBS is likely to launch more rights protection in the future. According to the Cross-border E-commerce Infringement Express, we know that the cases previously represented by GBC Law Firm will apply for freezing the infringing accounts after half a month. Therefore, after receiving the prosecution, the sellers will immediately remove the relevant goods, otherwise they will face very huge losses. Moreover, it is worth noting that the image of Snoopy is very popular now. Sellers may have been involved in infringement, but they have not found it yet. For example, there are such images in products, or words related to snoopy appear in product descriptions and title, which are all hidden dangers involving infringement. Therefore, the most important thing is that all sellers should do a good job of checking in their own shops. If the goods involve their cartoon images, they should immediately remove the related products. If the related words appear in the description of the goods, they should immediately change the description of the goods to prevent the defendant from being involved in infringement. Merchants should take precautions before they happen. Don’t be lucky, thinking that bad things will not fall on their heads, and it will be too late to regret it. In fact, the registered trademarks of the Snoopy brand come from a famous American cartoon, Peanut Comics, in which Snoopy and Charlie Brown are the two protagonists, Snoopy is a beagle, and Charlie is his owner. Because the comics were very popular at that time, the two comic images began to become popular. The cross-border e-commerce express once published the creation history of the cartoon. Peanut Comic was created in 1950 and was serialized in American newspapers and periodicals at first. Until the author’s death, there were nearly 90 comic characters. Since the publication of this cartoon, it has been very popular all over the world and sold very well, with a large number of fans in various countries. Under this grand occasion, businesses have also seen the opportunity to make money, and they have put cartoon characters into product design, and then sold related products in their own shops or described their products with their names. However, these characters have been registered trademarks by PEANUTS WORLDWIDE LLC, so they can’t appear in goods without authorization, and any commercial use will involve infringement. Moreover, the original brand has designed and produced related surroundings according to the cartoon characters, including home, kitchen, dolls, ornaments and other related products. The word mark and pattern trademarks that are often used by sellers and easily involve infringement are mainly as follows: 1. word mark peanuts by Schulzsnoopy’s Charlie Brown It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown You’re a Goodman, and Charlie BROWNSNOOPYSTORE.COM.

Crazy! GBC, a well-known law firm, represented the cartoon character Snoopy in three cases of infringement and freezing!2. Pattern trademark/character image infringement

Crazy! GBC, a well-known law firm, represented the cartoon character Snoopy in three cases of infringement and freezing! This time, GBC Law Firm issued three cases at one time (each case is hundreds of defendants and sellers), which shows that they have the foundation and experience to handle such cases and are capable of handling so many cases at the same time. Therefore, GBC Law Firm has a great possibility to continue to take on the agency of other brands, so sellers should take precautions before they happen, check the goods in their stores in advance, and if there are related products in sale, they must be removed from the shelves in time to prevent them in advance.

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